Helpful Viewing Tips
SCREEN VIEW: Move a screen view up or down by using the "space-bar" for down, and "shift plus the space-bar" for up. To return to the top, you can also use the TAB key. This is faster than using the mouse and scroll bar. Excellent for viewing slideshows.
ENLARGE THE SCREEN: To Magnify the screen, for instance when viewing the calendar, use the Control key plus the plus key (+); to de-magnify the screen view, use the Control key plus the minus (-) key. This works for images or text.
NAVIGATION: To move around the site, use the Menu, or if you want to move back to your last view, use the Back Arrow. If no back arrow is highlighted, close the Opened Tab. Links are indicated by green text.
A CHALLENGE: Can you find the "Easter egg," that is, a surprise hidden in this site? If you do, let the webmaster know!
THE HAND: When you see the mouse cursor become a hand, there is link. Double-click.