More Resources to Bring Your Faith to Life!!!
ST. ANTHONY MESSENGER SITE: Pax et Bonum is a Latin phrase meaning "Peace and Goodwill." It is the motto of the Franciscan Friars, followers of St. Francis of Assisi. The Friars publish a magazine called St. Anthony's Messenger and the website American Catholic is a reflection of that magazine and its Franciscan Spirituality. This link will bring you to a page on the Sacraments and an eight minute video on what Catholics believe. Very informative and inspiring.
Keeping in contact with Christ's words is vital to sustaining your faith on a daily basis. is a Roman Catholic site that provides nourishment in the form of daily scriptural readings that flow with the liturgical calendar. They are your "thoughts for a day."
Keeping in contact with Christ's words is vital to sustaining your faith on a daily basis. is a Roman Catholic site that provides nourishment in the form of daily scriptural readings that flow with the liturgical calendar. They are your "thoughts for a day."
News, Activities, and Inspiration
What is happening in the Stockton Diocese? Are you missing out on something significant? Visit the diocesan website and find out! You will also discover many faith-enriching sources . Visit now!
40 Days for Life - Walk for Life
For Details
Contact Judy Hurley 754-3271
Visit http://www.40daysfor to learn more.
For Details
Contact Judy Hurley 754-3271
Visit http://www.40daysfor to learn more.